Tuesday, May 24, 2011

stART on the Street

1. steampunk rings
2. Worcester watercolors
3. Worcester Youth Center breakdancing
4. So fresh.
5. Analeise's Haberdash finds :)
6. Swing dancing to Jon Short
7. This creeped me right out

So I did sort of the opposite of losing steam. I started out walking around tired and hungry not feeling up for taking any pictures of anything. There really was so so much more good stuff going on. I mean c'mon, I didn't even get a picture of the Hab! Boo. Anyway, this made me so excited for the summer edition of stART which takes over Park Ave in front of Elm Park. And more kettle corn!! heh.

my friend Greg and I with our matching computer chip necklaces!
(and I in my swapped dress! Woo hoo Contempo Casuals!)  ;)

& then we all piled into Jaime's car (she's the one in the center with the cute bag) to go home!
A few of us had walked there, but it got really chilly by the end of the day.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Tomorrow means Friday

As promised, I'm sharing my swap finds with you, though not quite "tomorrow" like I said.. 
and just a leetle beet at a time.
I took all these lame (really lame) pictures of the good stuff on hangers, 
but it was sooooo s&c* that I scrapped em. 

*s & c is a reference to my favorite Olsen twins movie, Passport to Paris. 
It stands for "snooze & cruise." 

First up, behold the silky deep red glory:

Tank: Swapped !
Skirt, Necklace & Belt: Salvation Army
Sandals: Gap 
Bracelet: Sista's

This late afternoon I'm popping in downstairs to take some pictures for my friend Lora of her newborn Corrie Susanna. She's an exceptionally attractive newborn, in no way resembling an old man, so I'm pumped. 

& hey, Worcester's stART on the Street: Spring Edition 
will be held on Main Street this Sunday! 
Over 150 local artists take over the street to showcase their work. 
Plus food, music, and an all around great atmosphere. 
(I'll be the one wandering the street elbow deep in my giant bag of kettle corn, thankyou.) 
My favorite purchase from last summer's stART. Haters be hatin'. Too true.

The Bruins won last night, the sun is out, and the weekend has commenced.
Take it aaaaaall in. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Whirlwind Weekend

Life is so nonstop and to believe that I could find the time in it to keep up with a blog in the way that I want to is completely unrealistic.

Another whirlwind weekend down which makes me feel like I need a day off to recover from my ...days..off?
Friday night we went to Joy and Lyd's for a perfectly summer dinner, then took a nice long stroll around their very hilly neighborhood. After that was a quiet night in. We watched The Fighter which was excellent and left me feeling full of Boston pride
...and also in the mood to really punch someone in the nose.
Saturday Alli and I pretty much cleaned house at the Canal District Swap. Truly truly killed it. I felt very satisfied and excited for my new (to me) clothes. It was also so refreshing to let go of three bags of my own clothes.
Phew. I could swap every weekend!
Afterward, as if my day wasn't already made,
we went to the Loving Hut (vegan) buffet.
We then attended a birthday party for a friend down in RI where we watched the Bruins game which I do not want to talk about. Hmph.
Sunday was church, baby shower, LOTR movie watching, Kelley Square Pizza.
In that fantastic order.
(Baby showers are weird, in that everything is decorated with like glittery baby bottles and diaper pins.)

Alli is dressed head to toe in swapped clothes! Lucky!
I swiped the lilacs from the Woo after church.. nyehehe.

Would you believe that I once walked in to find all three of my cats in that spot?!

Would you also believe that I have had 3 dreams in the last month in which my cats talked to me? I think I need some sort of crazy cat lady therapy or something.

Happy rainy ol' Monday. New England, I'm not your biggest fan lately.
Tomorrow's post: swap scores! yeah!

Friday, May 13, 2011

I wish that I could sleep forever and ever and ever and ever..

-Meeting my sister's friend from Norway and playing dance games on the Kinect (that thing is crazy!)
-Cooking with my husband.
-Feeling like a kid again jumping rope and climbing trees with friends at Elm Park.
-My dear friend (and housemate) Lora giving birth to her 4th child. Both are happy and healthy.
-More structure at work. (Finally! And yes, this is a very good thing for me.)
-Staying out until 4:30am, ending the night wearing Bruins jerseys.
-Feeling so tiny in Eric's arms.

-Sleeping through an alarm when I'm supposed to be at work writing a report that's on a deadline.
-Cold spring weather, without much promise of an altogether warm and sunny summer ahead.
-Questions that have no answers.

How can a tiny list of lows possibly outshadow those great highs?
Maybe it's because I'm tired and cranky.
Yes, that is why.

I'm so lame lately. No internet at home means no blogging for like a week. And when I do, it's wimpy. If you think I sound distracted, it's sort of because I am.
Life is so crazy sometimes.
I can't figure out if the beauty of it all is worth the pain.

But mostly I just need a nap.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

baby beard

How adorable is this picture of my friend Christian and his daughter Jubilee?

This was close to three years ago, but I still get such a chuckle out of it each time I see it. Honestly, my friends, I was sick again this weekend. I'm pretty convinced it's just allergies... really really bad allergies. Also, the internet is down at my house, so the photos I want to post will have to wait.

Remember when I said this is my favorite time of year? Well, allergies completely aside, I love and hate this time of year for two reasons:
Love it because of the lilacs. Lilac season is just beyond.
Hate it because it also happens to be spiders in the house season.
I'm not kidding!
The arrival of lilacs allllways coincides with the arrival of spiders in the house.

And my arachnophobia is no joke.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Moving right along

Just a little glimpse of what I wore for a chilly rainy Cinco de Mayo yesterday. Still feeling a little sick yet having to go to work, the sweater with its gigantic neck made me feel comforted all day long. Like I was still in bed or something. Mmm it was nice.
When I wear pieces like this- oversized knit 90s-esque sweater, I always feel like Sandra Bullock in While You Were Sleeping. Picture the scene where she pours some milk in the cat dish, and as her kitty laps it up, she dunks an oreo. Or when she orders a hot dog from that cart and picks all the onions off with her fingerless gloved-fingers. That's how I feel. If I had worn this sweater with chunky socks and my comfiest (but rest assured, hideous) clogs, I would have been there.

Hey, thanks so much for all your well-wishes on my last sicky-poo post. 
I'm on the mend, downing tea and honey nonstop (kinda sick of it), eating an orange a day and carting pocket tissue packs and handfuls of cough drops around with me everywhere I go.

Honorable Mentions:

-Lilacs are in bloom! They are my very favorite flowers. I just want to set up camp inside a huge lilac tree and bask in their aroma until they're gone. 

-Why oh why does that Rebecca Black song have to pop into my head every time I mentally rejoice in the fact that it's... Friday?! Terrible.

-I am honestly addicted to nail polish. (Help!) Today I blacked out in the cosmetics aisle and came to at the checkout counter holding my receipt and a mischevious little bottle of Essie's "over the edge" (midnight silvery beauty). Very tricky...

-Mother's Day weekend! Go love on your mummas!!

That's what I plan to do. Yup. All weekend long.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Plans Foiled, It's alright.

 It started Friday night with a tight chest and then by the end of the show I had a total man voice.

  ---And I wasn't even screaming!
I woke up Saturday morning with no voice,
            a wicked sore throat,
 a fever, aches, chills, the whole shebang.
      So, no neighborhood clean-up,
  no planting seedlings (sorry lil guys!),
                no backyard BBQ.

I have awesome friends who take care of me.
(Because in case I forgot to mention, E was away again all weekend.)

Lydia whisked me away with a mug of tea & honey and a pile of comfy blankets, and we spread em all out and took a nice cozy nap at Elm Park under the glowing sunshine. Later on, my friend (more like sister) Abby called and demanded that I tell her what I needed from the store. All I could think of is what anyone ever asks for when they're sick: ginger ale, and she showed up a half hour later with that plus Ben & Jerry's.

& since Saturday I've watched the following movies:
-Coffee & Cigarettes (one of my favorites)
-Romeo & Juliet (the one with Leo and Claire, sigh)
-Dangerous Liaisons
-Billy Elliot
-Marwencol (a fantastic documentary)

So, I'm taking this as some much-needed time for catching up on my sleep.
I'm not exactly a huge fan of sleep when there's fun to be had, so I guess this is necessary.
The only bummer is that it fell right in the middle of my weekend, and it's been amazingly warm out.

Oh, and here is MewithoutYou:
*Photos taken by me at their latest show at the Paradise Rock Club, Boston.

I'm in lerve.