Monday, January 31, 2011

I blinked and it was gone, but I've still got the memory.

I'm drinking my coffee way too fast.
It's a rarity. I'm usually one of those people who pathetically nurses one cup of coffee pretty much all day (returning to microwave it several times). Is that gross?

This weekend was a fun one, except I feel like I blinked then it was over.
I got back at it this morning though by sleeping in a little and getting to work by 11:45. Hmph.

Here's a quick little weekend re-cap:

{A bunch of us pitched in to get Lydia the birthday girl this perfume she's been dying for!
(She was so so surprised!)
The rest of Friday night went according to plan.. see here
with one last stop at our favorite dive bar for dollar drafts and peanuts.}

{Saturday morning Eric suggested walking to one of our favorite breakfast spots in Worcester:
Annie's Clark Brunch
It's right on the Clark campus (down the street from our apartment) and it was packed!
I think what I love most about that place is the atmosphere. Annie is such a character & listening her talk to the waitresses and customers made us feel like we were watching a movie or something! Such a good experience.
(Also, amazing vegetarian chili with a pretty good kick.)}

{looking ragamuffinly & le tired. I was playing around with camera settings and with the editing tools the MacBook has to offer.
I hate those little wisps of hair. I look like Buffy or something.}

{One of my favorite parts of the weekend. Saturday evening Eric, Ben & I took a walk to the grocery store & I got to take some pictures of the snowy neighborhood for a photography project I'm starting. I took this picture standing at the top of a gigantic snow mound. The side I walked up had little footsteps carved into it, and the side I was to walk down had a serious slide going down it! Look at these gents. Helping a lady out! I had to capture it. We all went home (Ben lives upstairs) and shared a delicious meal of French Onion Soup & ciabatta bread. I can't get enough of it.}

{The newest addition to our household (on the first floor). Willow got a new kitty, Angel.
I got a phone call from an excited Willow who told me every detail of how said kitty was acquired. And how she is sooo lucky and soo excited and the kitty is sooo sweet and cuddly! Cute!}

To end the weekend, we had our weekly "Hobbit reading group" which consists of 9 of us all meeting in our living room and taking turns reading The Hobbit aloud to eachother, usually over mugs of mead and snacks of cheese and crackers or something else Hobbit-y. Eric keeps telling me to not seem so embarassed when I tell people about our group.
The Hobbit is totally cool.
There. We meet on Sunday nights and it is the perfect end to the weekend/beginning to the week. I fall asleep at night dreaming of hobbit holes and narrow escapes, dwarves in colored hoods and Gandalf the wizard. Though, I should mention that last night's reading finished the chapter entitled "Spiders and Flies".. shudder.

Man. My coffee's gone.
Happy Monday!

Friday, January 28, 2011

We love to celebrate

On my actual birthday I woke up to a surprise breakfast and kitchen-full of friends!

Erin's birthday weekend in Keene, NH
A friend made the amazing cake (Erin's the postergirl for camping),
and I decorated her tent while she was on a bike ride.

Previous birthdays have included:
A trip to a b&b by the beach, fancy dinner and drinks, (all for mine, I'm so lucky!), a huge palooza at my friend's lakeside home complete with games bbq and fireworks, a camping trip weekend in Keene, NH (25 of us!), Mumford & Sons & sushi, and most of all... surprises! I can't even count how many surprise parties we've thrown.
We really really like them. 

How do you like to celebrate birthdays?

Oh, and one time I made this. Yes. A kitty litter cake. Complete with box and scoop and melted tootsie rolls.
It was disgustingly successful (but also delicious?) & was in my opinion, the hit of the palooza.
I made it for my friend Nate.. and the reason is twofold:
One, he does not like my cats and says so often.
Two, he once compared my dreads to cat turds.
Never. Again. 

So. Today. Lydia's birthday celebration. Go!
Four of us girls are meeting at my apartment at 6 to make lasagna. (with garlic bread and salad!)
At Salvation Army last week, Lydia found the prettiest bubble gum pink minidress that I have ever seen. (So, she'll wear that tonight.)
We'll dress up and meet up with friends at Allgos later for drinks and dessert. (Shh. Diet starts tomorrow.)
Maybe we'll dance the night away. (If our feet don't fail us. Curse you, pretty shoes!)

How are you spending your weekend?

Whatever you do, I hope it's just what you need!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Quiet Mornings

current musical obsession: Animal Collective (okay, it's nothing new or anything)
playing as I type: Summertime Clothes
indecisive: Thrilled about last night's snow making the fence out back disappear, but so longing for summer.

photobooth on this lazy morning

My friend Abby and I are curled up on my bed with 1 out of 3 cats.
I'm not really snowed in.. I'm just getting off to a slow start, trying not to sneak ahead in the last Harry Potter book. (My husband and I are reading it together, but lately I can't wait to find out what happens!)

To do list:
re-paint nails (red? gray again?)
upload photos
make up with Eric (It was just a silly fight, really.)
(in no particular order at all)

Starting February 1st I am going to be officially making this blog into a Project 365.
I fell in love with the idea over here, and to learn more about it, you should probably just read this.
And then just go ahead and follow Cierra's blog because you've fallen in love with her, like I did.
I need some direction and I need a plan.
(Mostly, because I just like direction and plans.)
I'm starting it on February 1st because I'm kind of OCD about some things, and I like to start something new at the beginning of something.
So, this will be fun.
I love having a plan.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

And talk to me like you don't know what we ever fought about..

"If you find yourself here on my side of town,
I pray that you'd come to my door.."

Suddenly I am reminded of the Java Joes parking lot. 
Of that Pennsylvania patchwork landscape stretching on forever. 
Of chasing sunsets. Splitting cigarettes. Jones sodas and beneath the medicine tree.

What was that?
Your homemade quilt spread out on the pavement.

(Were there streetlights there?) Incense and music pouring through the cracked window in your escort. 
(Didn't you flip that car?) 
Why did we do it?
Sometimes I wish we could be back there together.

We invented cinnamon Coca-cola that summer at Jenny's (that all-night diner). 
Shared everything. 

I wish I could have seen then how much you were entrusting me with. 

Bring it back

I feel like I started posting too hastily.
It's too easy to see the way others are blogging and try and do something similar.. without even realizing it.

I don't want to write just so there's something written.
I love writing about memories and dreams and ideas and opinions.
Times shared.
I just don't to lose sight of who I'm writing for.
..because, it's mostly for me. It's got to be, right? Because if it turns into something for anyone else, then it's sort of just untrue.

So, let's bring it back.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Impressed? I'm impressed.

This is my husband's winter look, in all its glory.
He does grow an amazing beard, doesn't he?
I like the way he's half winking in the picture.. sun in ya eyes!
We were in New Hampshire for the weekend and took a winter hike.
Our friend Paul has this crazy stache wax and Eric decided to give it a go.
Can you take him seriously?

I, for one, am a fan. (Although I'm starting to miss his handsome face. He's been growing that thing since June!)

Happy Friday! Wicked excited about it.
It's snowing again. I love the snow. I love it I love it and I'll miss it when it's gone.
(Even though winter's my least favorite season.)
Tonight's plans hopefully include pizza and our favorite bottle of two buck Chuck paired with our favorite Wes Anderson movie.
What's our favorite Wes Anderson movie you ask?
Answer: Any. All. Even the ones that haven't been made yet.

Swap score post to come..
And what a hugely successful swap it was.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

National Swap Day

Today I'm participating in National Swap Day.
I'll be attending a swap in Somerville, MA at Arts at the Armory and I am so excited for it! I went to the last one there and it was so great. Tons of determined women running in all directions on the hunt for some new additions to their wardrobe. Tomorrow I'll hopefully have a post up of my great finds from last time as well as tonight's.

To be honest, I didn't have very high expectations for the last swap since it was so much bigger than the ones I was used to attending in Worcester. My friend Amy is part of the mastermind behind this whole thing, and I could not be more amazed at how far she's come. She is so creative and driven, it only makes sense that she'd go far.

Amy and her vintage shop on wheels- the Haberdash! So adorable.
This was at Worcester's stART at the Street over the summer. Oh, summer.. 

For more information on National Swap Day like what it is ezzactly, how to participate, and swaps going on at locations near you, clickety click the link right heuh. (PS.. I know the picture is super mini, but I'm in it! I've got the white skirt and black T.. scanning those dress racks like nobody's bizz.)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Somewhere the sun is shining

I'm grumpy today.
It's not like I'm trying to be, I just am.
I fell down my front stairs this morning on my way to work, and a car drove by and beeped at me.


I'm dressed like a bag lady, and not the cute bohemian bag lady that the Olsens so often imitate.
I'm talking frumpy sweater, frizzy hair, salt-stained boots and chipping nail polish.Probably exaggerating on the whole bag lady thing, but it's how I feel.
Frumpy and uninspired.

Someone in my office just heated up beefaroni,
and just an FYI,
it does smell as gross as it sounds.

I was planning on doing a whole weekend recap post, but I don't feel like it right now.
When we got home from vaca, our fish was dead.
Eric's brother for some reason unplugged his little heater and he effing froze to death and I'm so mad.
It breaks my heart that people do such a shitty job taking care of the animals who depend on us for survival.

Let's think about something positive from today..
Well, I'm healthy. Fully functioning. Clean drinking water. Plenty to eat.
Too many warm clothes to choose from. A husband who loves me. A family who loves me. A place to call home. A source of income.
Somewhere, the sun is shining.

I really can't dwell on the negative. We have so much to be thankful for.
While I'm still in a grumpy mood, I need to put it all in perspective.
My life is so rich and so full.
There is so much beauty in the world.

I took this picture on our retreat in New Hampshire.
It's Kaylee & Willow reading together on a sunny morning.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Eighty Percent

Woody Allen said,
"Eighty percent of success is showing up."

I'll call this blog my 80%.
I have always felt that I'd be successful at blogging, and then I realized I never would if I didn't try. I suppose it's also sort of a New Year's resolution. I hate those, but this year I feel like they're necessary.

Here are a few other resolutions:

-Ballet. Let me explain. Despite being hugely inspired by Black Swan, I have wanted to take a dance class for a while. I was so close to taking a contemporary dance class, but the more I researched it (and by "research" I mean watched tons of episodes of "So You Think You Can Dance") the more I realized that contemporary is much too free for me. There isn't enough structure. One thing I've learned about myself through jobs and education is that I thrive in a structured environment. I like the rules of ballet. I took it years ago, but didn't stick with it. I want to do something good for my body besides getting on the elliptical or going on a run (not my thing). I like yoga enough, but I feel like ballet will also be a great challenge and will hopefully pay off. My first class is next Tuesday. That's in a week!

-Learn how to use my camera. I got a Canon Rebel T2i for Christmas from my Grandfather and I can not wait to figure it out. The possibilities with this camera are truly endless. Two of my top priorities: portraits and stop-motion animation.

-Restring my cello. And dust it off. And re-learn how to read music. Et & c..

-Blog. (Ahem.. Check!) I'd also like to start a vintage etsy shop this year, too.

-Shop creatively and only when necessary. I got a Forever21 giftcard for Christmas and all the way to the mall I was like "No basics! No basics! No basics!" Well wouldn't ya know, I came home with a bag containing the following: 1 white v-neck t-shirt. 1 white ruched sleeved t-shirt. 1 black long sleeved t-shirt. 1 grey jersey knit fold waist pencil skirt. AND a bottle of peppermint scented red sparkly nail polish. So, 99% of what I bought was basic.
I go to Salvation Army (my favorite is the one on Cambridge St in Worcester) and the whole way there I tell myself "Nothing too over the top! Nothing I'll never end up wearing! No more unrealistic though amazing vintage dresses! No more future though probably not re-workings or DIYs!" I currently have a bag from a Sally's trip with 2 (yes 2) lace floor length t-shirt dresses (working on re-working), and a sweet (though size XXL) Ginseng t-shirt and a pair of army green high top sneaker-ish boots. I think that sums it up. All in all, I'm proud of my purchases and finds, but they need to be fewer and further between. Hello overstuffed closet.

-Make good use of my time. Like.. blogging while waiting to switch the load from the washer to the dryer! So far, not bad.

-Get my wisdom teeth out. Deeper meaning: Grow Up. No one is going to make the appointment for me, and they will not just go away if I ignore them long enough. Believe me. I've needed them out since I was a junior in high school. I graduated in 2004. They're starting to give me migraines. It is time.

So, this concludes my first post ever.
I'm excited for this creative outlet and the only other journal I own besides my new 2011 Cat Calendar (thanks, Gram for encouraging my crazy cat lady tendencies). I would have liked to end with a picture of my cats, but I'm not sure how to post pictures just yet. Stay tuned.

Actually, voila! Nugget in a basket. She is snoring next to me as I type.