Friday, January 21, 2011

Impressed? I'm impressed.

This is my husband's winter look, in all its glory.
He does grow an amazing beard, doesn't he?
I like the way he's half winking in the picture.. sun in ya eyes!
We were in New Hampshire for the weekend and took a winter hike.
Our friend Paul has this crazy stache wax and Eric decided to give it a go.
Can you take him seriously?

I, for one, am a fan. (Although I'm starting to miss his handsome face. He's been growing that thing since June!)

Happy Friday! Wicked excited about it.
It's snowing again. I love the snow. I love it I love it and I'll miss it when it's gone.
(Even though winter's my least favorite season.)
Tonight's plans hopefully include pizza and our favorite bottle of two buck Chuck paired with our favorite Wes Anderson movie.
What's our favorite Wes Anderson movie you ask?
Answer: Any. All. Even the ones that haven't been made yet.

Swap score post to come..
And what a hugely successful swap it was.


  1. I always love a bit of a beard on my boy too :)

  2. can you tell me the name of the 'stache wax? been trying to find some good stuff for my fiancee. That is quite an impressive beard!
