Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"As green to gold and gold to brown

The leaves will fall to feed the ground
And in their falling make no sound."

We were there with the whole family, but for some reason my favorites of the photos I took this weekend happened to have only Eric or his brother Shaun. We had a great time. Saturday was the windiest day I think I've ever had to experience outdoors. I nearly blew over trying to climb the stairs of that observation tower.

Highlights (some pictured):::
a porcupine. Yummie's candy shop. three swans in flight over a salt water marsh. fried food. polar bear swim. pretty blue seltzer can. eggs bene. waking with the sun coming up over the sea. Nubble lighthouse. finicky ice machines. a new peacoat for E. morning shadows. lobster bisque. booeys and barnicles. seashell hunting. curious bootprints in the sand.

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