Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy February

I love snow days.

Today is Day 1 of my Project 365.
Today it is snowing like the dickens outside.
My broski-in-law (lives upstairs from us) invited me up for breakfast since I didn't have to go in to work.
Our washing machine is back in action (after the pipes burst last week) and I've been doing laundry all day.
Roo is currently curled up and purring on my lap. (Why is she purring for no reason?)
Eric is at work, though hopefully he'll be home soon.
We're like 100 pages away from the end of the Harry Potter series and it's killing us.
I've got a small group tonight at a friend's house.. we're a fan of small groups at our church.
Anyway, the group is going to be going through C.S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia.
We're going to share one book, take turns reading aloud to eachother, then discuss what we just read.
(Seems to be a common theme this winter.. getting together and reading fantastical stories to one another..)

Here are 3 photos from my day:
{Hamilton telling me she loves me.}

{Two views from the safe, cozy, warmth of indoors.}

To-Do Tonight:
dinner (curry tofu with rice. easy, peasy.)
laundry (x3 !)
make salsa for small group (is it bad that my favorite salsa is my own?!)
finish Harry Potter with Eric (priority #1)
shovel (yes)


  1. That looks so cold! But they are lovely photos, and your cat is so cute!

  2. Nice post lady! Sounds like a great 1st Feb!


  3. your cat looks EXACTLY like mine :) mmmm curry sounds delish right about now!!

  4. Sweet Kitty! I have a black cat too! :)
